
There are approximately a gazillion people who, if asked, would readily identify themselves as Christians. They would
tell you, very solemnly and sincerely, that they certainly could be considered “Christian”. However, a high percentage of
them have a very nominal faith. Maybe it’s because they never have had the time, the energy, or the need to ask Christ
to come into their life and become their Lord and Savior. Curiously, if you look at the word CHRISTIAN, all spelled out,
and eliminate the word CHRIST, you are left with just three letters: IAN.

I would guess that most Christian churches, be they Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or about 5,000 varieties of
Protestant, probably have a lot more IANs than CHRISTIANS in their congregations. Perhaps, as far as a good upstanding
IAN is concerned, Jesus is relegated to the role of a spiritual guru or holy tooth fairy or ethical model. But the IAN has not
personally received Christ as “Lord and Savior”.

If you have never invited Him to come into your life; if you have never, in other words, put your life under New Manage-
ment, then consider the distinct possibility that you yourself haven’t as yet become CHRISTIAN. You are just an IAN (“Yin”)!
In the very last book of the Bible, Jesus says,

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: If any{one} hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him----."

If you suspect that you might be a IAN, then remember that Jesus once said,

"I am the vine and ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, ye can do nothing."

IAN means “I Am Nothing”.   In other words, without CHRIST, IAN.  Without CHRIST, I AM NOTHING.

New Book Available for

Shine Like the Stars

Available for Pre-Order.  Each of us has been given a gift: our life. Someday we must return it to its rightful owner. We are free to use this gift in any way we choose: to glorify God or to glorify ourself. St. Paul used his to glorify God and, in so doing, found the secret of joy. decided to write a devotional commentary on his letter to the fledgling Christian community in Philippi. They too were discovering the secret of genuine joy. I am hoping that the same faith which dazzled them will do the same for you, and that the same joy which filled their hearts will fill yours. Get ready to shine like stars.