Each of us has been given the gift of life.  It’s on loan to us, and one day we must give it back to its rightful Owner.  We can use (or abuse) this life any way we choose.  We can use it to glorify the Lord or to glorify ourselves. This is a theme that threads its way all through our Bible. It’s a theme we find in St. Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians.  In it he glorified Christ.  

     I decided to write a  devotional commentary on Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians.  The bad news is that my upcoming book doesn’t say everything that could be said. The good news is that it doesn’t say everything that could be said.  For this letter stimulates our minds and hearts to find new  angles, to make new discoveries. 
     I entitled my book Shine Like Stars and subtitled it “The Joy of Philippians.”  Eventually the book can be
purchased from HGBM (Higher Ground Books & Media).  I am  hoping that the same faith that dazzled those first Christians and filled their lives with joy will do the same for you. 
The  Apostle Paul was writing a heart-felt letter to  his Christian sisters and brothers in the city of Philippi.  Underlying their lives was a feeling of joy.  What  was the secret?  An enduring  relationship with Christ!  

Joy differs from happiness in this respect: Happiness can quickly vanish like a bursting bubble, whereas joy lasts forever. That's because happiness is dependent upon our outward circumstances, whereas joy is dependent on an inward relationship. Look at it this way: circumstances may change, but our relationship with Christ remains constant. Once Jesus said, "--- and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."

New Book Available for

Shine Like the Stars

Available for Pre-Order.  Each of us has been given a gift: our life. Someday we must return it to its rightful owner. We are free to use this gift in any way we choose: to glorify God or to glorify ourself. St. Paul used his to glorify God and, in so doing, found the secret of joy. decided to write a devotional commentary on his letter to the fledgling Christian community in Philippi. They too were discovering the secret of genuine joy. I am hoping that the same faith which dazzled them will do the same for you, and that the same joy which filled their hearts will fill yours. Get ready to shine like stars.